Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Two Favorite Zoyas: Kylie2 and Areej

Hi Again!

Why don't more people talk about these two Zoyas? Well, I've seen a few people talk about Areej, but I'm not sure that I've ever seen anyone really mention Kylie2. Kylie2 was one of my first Zoyas and was really my first favorite. The formula is really fantastic, and I like the coloring on my skin. Check these out!

Zoya Kylie2

Zoya Kylie2

This is still my favorite after all of the Zoyas I've tried. I think it's very flattering on, and it makes me feel a bit sassy when I wear it :) I've got cool tones in my skin, and I find it doesn't pull too orange on, which is probably why I like it. It's tough to find corals that don't pull too orange.
The top picture is more color accurate, it's definitely a coral toned red. This is two coats, no top coat. No streakiness or pooling. It's not too thick or too thin. It's kinda perfect!

Zoya Areej

Zoya Areej
This is my second favorite. Both of these are accurate in terms of the color. The formula on this is very similar to Kylie2, in that there's no pooling or streakiness, and it has a nice thickness to it, definitely not too thick or too thin.
While both of these strike me as summer colors, I like to wear them year round. I'm wearing something similar (Zoya LC) now.
I hope you enjoy these!

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