Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Avon Cosmic Collection: Aurora and Super Nova

Hi Everyone!

I've been pretty sick for the past few days, so I haven't been doing much in the way of posts. It's snowing here again, which is a bummer because I live at the beach and it's definitely not supposed to be cold and rainy/snowy ever! At least, that's how I feel. My family in Philadelphia are probably so sick of snow by now...

Anyway, I've been wishing for summer, so I swatched some summer polishes to match my mood. I've got Avon's Aurora and Super Nova from their Cosmic collection. They've got a ton of these, but I only purchased two of them. I was pretty shocked at their quality for the price (6 bucks!), so I'll probably buy more when summer comes around this year. Here they are:

Avon Aurora holo polishAvon Super Nova holo polish

I have more pictures after the jump!

Avon Aurora holo polish

Avon Aurora holo polish
 Aurora is a light purple holo

Avon Super Nova holo polish

Avon Super Nova holo polish

 Super Nova is a coral holo

Yeah, these are holos, so I love them, right? Well, the holo in these isn't really TOO strong. I do love these despite that (I find myself comparing every holo to Color Club's holos). It's nice to have a more subtle holo sometimes. I have two coats on for each of these, and I think these are almost fully opaque. You can't really see much nail line until you look at these in the shade. Dry time on these are faster than a normal polish. I'm diggin' these.

Do you tend to like really strong holos, or less strong holos like these? I think I like strong holos better, in general but these are still great.

You can get these at Avon's website (you don't have to have a rep to purchase these) for 6 bucks each. I'm hard-pressed to beat that! Stay safe out there!

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