Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Whimsical Ideas by Pam: Itsy Bitsy Spider

Happy Early Halloween!

I've been wearing Itsy Bitsy Spider on my nails this week and I'm in love. I'm a sucker for a purple nail polish, in probably any color, but this one is just amazing. Check this out:

Whimsical Ideas by Pam Itsy Bitsy Spider 1
Itsy Bitsy Spider - Shade

Whimsical Ideas by Pam Itsy Bitsy Spider 2
Itsy Bitsy Spider - Sun

Seriously? This polish is amazing. How can you not love a polish that looks like that? Every time I walk outside I stare at it. It's a royal purple jelly-ish glitter. I included the shade picture because you can see the little silver glitter that's floating around in there too. This is three coats with no top coat. On another note completely, my skin is looking a bit dry lately. Time to moisturize! That's how I know that summer (and all the humidity) is gone. Bummer.

Anyway, you can buy Pam's polish on her Facebook page. I bought several others from the Hallowhimsy (cute name) collection, but this one is my favorite by far. These are still available today too!

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