Saturday, November 2, 2013

Liquid Sky Witching Hour

Hi Everyone, Happy Saturday!

Well, I branched out a bit into the indie world and bought my first Liquid Sky Lacquer, in Witching Hour since I was feeling in the Halloween spirit! Even though Halloween was a few days ago, I still like this one enough that I'd just wear it. Here it is. My cuticles are looking kinda scary:

Liquid Sky Witching Hour
Well, Liquid Sky describes this as a "very sheer purple jelly", and I definitely agree with them. This is over Zoya's Jem, because there's really no way that I could have built up this color on its own to this opaqueness. It has holo moons, black stars and green, silver and orange hex glitter. This one really is pretty cute, but I think the formula on it was a bit strange. It was watery, so that made glitter placement a bit difficult. I didn't have issues with the glitter sinking and getting stuck at the bottom of the bottle though, probably because of the formula. Maybe next time I'll use a lighter base so all the glitters show up easier..
I purchased my bottle of Witching Hour at Llarowe, but I believe you can also purchase this at Liquid Sky's website.

So the other night I went to a friend's Halloween party and dressed up like zombie Alice from Alice in Wonderland. I was trying to go for small details in my costume, and cut my nails up jagged for a zombie manicure, so my nails are much shorter than usual! In hindsight that seems silly, I don't think anyone actually noticed the nails, and I ended up snagging them on everything.

The Flyers game last was so terrible I don't even want to think about it! Hopefully they'll put that business behind them and play marginally better tonight...

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