Saturday, November 23, 2013

Comparison: Zoya Jules versus China Glaze Fast Track

Comparison time!

When I was swatching Jules and Fast Track, I was rolling my eyes because I chronically choose similar colors and I was thinking, "here we go again." They aren't as similar as I thought they were initially, but they're close. Here they are:

Fast Track Jules

Fast Track Jules
 This is two coats of both. It's kinda like Jules is a more opaque version of Fast Track. Jules looks more like an antique kind of gold, which might be why I like the color better on my skintone. Fast Track is definitely more sparkley, while Jules is a bit more subdued.
Looking at these, I'm still torn over Fast Track. I love the shimmer in it enough to get over the fact that I don't think it's super flattering on me.
Hope this is helpful! :)

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