Monday, January 13, 2014

Arcane Lacquer: The Power, The Passion

Hello Again! Happy Monday to you!

I've got another new to me brand to show you today called Arcane Lacquer. I was pretty excited about this one since it's a sparkly purple, I've got to be one of the most predictable people in the world. It didn't disappoint though! This one is called The Power, The Passion. I'm wearing this today and I love it:

Arcane Lacquer the power the passion

Arcane Lacquer the power the passion

I've got some sunlight shots of this after the jump. It's super sparkly!

 Here is The Power, The Passion in sunlight:

Arcane Lacquer the power the passion

Arcane Lacquer the power the passion

I like this one a lot. The finish is a glitter finish, so it dries a bit matte. It's also quite textured, which hopefully you can see in the closeups. I'm not sure which of these pictures I like best, they're all pretty cool looking.
I've got three coats of this on, plus a few coats of Zoya's Armor. I probably didn't need that third coat because it's very opaque. You can barely tell there's a topcoat on it, it's quite the top coat eater.

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