Friday, January 10, 2014

Cadillacquer - Once More with Feeling

Happy Friday!

I went to a Hurricanes game last night and they beat the Maple Leafs 7-1. It was a total blowout, and very fun to watch. They have a really great goal horn, so it was exciting to hear it 7 times. The Canes are my secondary team, so I always like to see them win, as long as it's not against the Flyers :)

So, I've got a polish from Cadillacquer today. I wish I could find some of the Dexter collection on a North American retailer site, but no one seems to have Masterpiece. I love that one but I waited too long to snap it up!
This one is from the Such Is Life collection, called Once More, With Feeling:

Cadillacquer Once More With Feeling

Cadillacquer Once More With Feeling

This is three coats. I like the thinness of this, because it makes a nice little jelly sandwich out of the glitter. It also has a really beautiful purple shimmer to it, which you can really see in that closeup.

I purchased this from Llarowe.

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