Wednesday, January 15, 2014

China Glaze: Immortal

Hello Again!

China Glaze's Immortal is probably old, and a lot of you have seen it, but I'm a bit of a completionist, you see. First, I want to put all the polish I own online, so I can see swatches of what I've got and not buy 500 polishes that all look the same. Second, if I include a polish as a base to a glitter, I like to dedicate another post to the base so I can show both polishes. So with that, here is Immortal:

China Glaze Immortal

China Glaze Immortal

This picture is a more color accurate picture, the first picture has an old greenish cast to it.

I love this. The shimmer is so noticeable and so pretty on the nail, it takes something potentially "done" and boring and turns it into something beautiful and unique. I love a shimmer in a creme. Especially when it's noticeable in low light. I've got 2 coats on with no top coat. It's pretty glossy on it's own. Formula is nice and opaque, no streakiness or runny behavior. One of my favorite grey polishes, easily. Great for fall.

I bought this on Head2ToeBeauty. Have a great day! 

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