Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dance Legend Celia

Hey Guys!

It's cold today! :(

But! I've got a really awesome one for you today! It's Celia from Dance Legend! I haven't seen a shifting polish quite like this one, so I'm pretty excited about it! You've GOT to check out all of the pictures after the jump!

Dance Legend Celia

Here are more pictures of the fantastic Celia:

Dance Legend Celia
Indoor Lighting

Dance Legend Celia
Outdoor Lighting, Direct Sunlight

Dance Legend Celia
Shade Lighting

Dance Legend Celia
Shade Lighting
I'm not sure which angle I like best, honestly. This is a dark blue, pink, purple, orange, yellow shifting polish. The shift is obviously very strong, and it shifts in direct sunlight and shade too. This is three coats, it is a bit thin on the first, but gets nice and opaque by the third. I wore this for a week and had some minor chipping on my nail tips, but nothing else.
I love Dance Legend polishes, because I think they're always coming out with really cool collections. Every time I hear about a new collection, I get excited because I know it's gonna be great. I hope you enjoyed this one, I certainly do.
I purchased this from Llarowe. Stay warm!


  1. I just ordered this one, I have Boggs... I read that you should apply it over black nail polish, I tried it and it looked fantastic with just 1 coat!

  2. Hey, that sounds pretty awesome! I actually haven't tried this over black, so I'll be sure to do that the next time I wear it. Do you have any other Dance Legend polishes that you like to wear? :)

  3. Yes try it over black and let me know what you think! I like it better! I am a big Dance Legend fan! I have almost all the Prisms, a few WOW Prisms, a Rich Black, and a few Thermos, and the prism Top Coat. I love Dance Legend!!

  4. Oh and I have Boggs and soon Celia :) Thanks for this blog post... it helped me decide to get Celia :)

  5. I was lucky enough to snag 2 of the sun shine polishes that turn when you go out in the sun. I LOVE those! That's actually what turned me on to Dance Legend. I think they make some awesome polishes :) I will most definitely try this over black and let you know!

    I'm glad this post helped. And hey, thank YOU for posting a comment! This is my first one, I was super excited to see it in my inbox this morning! That means someone out there actually reads my blog! :D

  6. I just added the Goggle Followers widget, so you can use that if you'd like :) I'm new to blogging so I'm not really sure how else people add other blogs. What do you use?

  7. Yay I'm your 1st follower! :) I use for my blog, but people can follow using GFC, or Bloglovin, Here's my blog if you want to follow, I post here n there... not very regularly ;)

  8. So I was on last night and I found 5 Jade solar polishes! Not Dance Legend, but I bought them and em excited to try :)

  9. Oh cool! I've wanted to try some Jade polishes.. I would be interested to see how they compare to the DL ones! I'll be sure to post some pictures of the sun shine polishes I have, as soon as it gets sunny enough here!

  10. I'll do the same! I like Jade, I have several of their holo polishes. A little sheer, but pretty colors. We shall see how the Sun ones go, I found a review on the ones I am getting, I am getting all the ones here except the pearly one...
