Thursday, January 2, 2014

Zoya Lauren

Happy Thursday-Monday

Today is the first day I go back to work, so it feels kinda like a Monday to me. Bummer! I thought about taking today and tomorrow, but I've got stuff I need to do, so here we are!

Well, I feel like you should own your own polish if there's one with your name, right? It seems like Zoya has made a shade for almost every name out there! Well, probably not that much, but they certainly have a lot of shades, don't they?

So, here is Zoya's Lauren, a nice metallic-y neutral beige:

Zoya Lauren neutral beige nail polish
Lauren: Sunlight
Zoya Lauren neutral beige nail polish
Lauren: Shade
Zoya Lauren neutral beige nail polish
Lauren: Close up!
This one really reminds me of Zoya's Pandora and OPI's A Butterfly Moment. It's kinda like if those two had a kid. There are several things about this polish that are doing it for me. One, its surprisingly opaque. This is two coats, no balding or streaking to speak of. Two, I'm loving that shimmer. It really toes the line between a creme and a shimmer nicely, and I think you can see that in the close up. Overall, I'm really liking this one!

I purchased this on Zoya's webpage. Have a great day!

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