Monday, January 27, 2014

Randoms: Zoya Petra, Cassedy and Dakota

Happy Monday!

I can't believe how cold it's been lately! I'm up in Philly this week (!!) and it's cold here, but it's also cold back home. It hasn't snowed in North Carolina in like, 10 years at least, and I'm gonna miss it! Still, I'm glad to be up here too, since I love Philly. Anyway..

I've got a few Zoyas to show you today. I've been taking more pictures of my collection and since I have a decent amount, I'm just kinda grouping them together and taking shots and putting them in the same post. I've got Petra, Dakota and Cassedy to show:

Zoya Petra Zoya Cassedy Zoya Dakota

Check out the jump for more pictures and reviews!

First up, Petra. This probably looks slightly more purple in person. I love stormy grey colors and this is no exception. Zoya usually does a top notch creme, but this one is slightly patchy. Check out my ring finger at the top to see that. This is 3 coats:

Zoya Petra

Zoya Petra

Next, Cassedy. This is a silver metallic/foil. I use this when I do nail art for teams because it's nice and sparkly. I wish it were more opaque though. This is three coats:

Zoya Cassedy

Zoya Cassedy

You know if it's sparkly, I can't resist a close up. This one really is nice on.

Last up, Dakota, a dark red creme, 2 coats. This is just a bit too red to be oxblood. I like using that word to describe things. Some friends of mine once accused me of making up "oxblood" during a Scattergories game, and I had to school them a bit on it and so I use every excuse to use that word now. Annnyway, here's Dakota:

Zoya Dakota

Zoya Dakota

Formula on Dakota was excellent, more what I have come to expect from Zoya.This is looking quite red here, but it's a tad darker in person.

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