Thursday, December 5, 2013

Femme Fatale Galaxis Shards

Before I talk about polish, I just want to say go Flyers, I'm glad you won on a nationally televised game (hoooraayyy) even if you won against a very injured team, a win is a win. And go Cooter for getting like, 4 points in the game. Okay!

I've got another Femme Fatale today!
I really love these polishes, they're always glitter packed and interesting to look at. Today I have Galaxis Shards. I vaguely remember a galaxis shard from WoW in the Burning Crusade xpac. I think it was something you got in Hellfire Peninsula. Here's Galaxis Shards!:

Femme Fatale Galaxis ShardsFemme Fatale Galaxis Shards

This is 2 coats of Galaxis Shards over China Glaze Immortal and 1 coat of China Glaze's Fast Forward. Galaxis Shards actually has a gray jelly base to it, which is why I chose to layer this over a gray, rather than a black. I like the murky look a gray gives this, but I think this would also look great over black! This one isn't as glitter packed as some of the other FF's I've worn, but that's definitely not a bad thing, just something to note.

I purchased this on Color4Nail's website. They've got a great selection of Femme Fatale polishes, and they ship here in the US.

I took a bunch of pictures of this, so I'll post a few of them after the jump if you care to see more. I didn't want these to go to waste!

Femme Fatale Galaxis Shards

Femme Fatale Galaxis Shards

Femme Fatale Galaxis Shards
Indoor Lighting
Hey, thanks for checking these pictures out! Hope you have a great day!

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