Monday, December 9, 2013

OPI Casino Royale

Before we get into polish today, I want to talk about how much fun I had watching the Eagles/Lions game yesterday. It was a classic snow bowl kind of day, and while it took us a bit to get our rhythm, I'm so happy to say that we crushed them and took the lead for the NFC East (for now! Go Bears!). I love a good snow bowl, and I have to say Shady was looking amazing, breaking our rushing record. Go Eagles! (I don't talk about them as much, so I'm very happy to say that I watched the game [we rarely get Eagles games where I am] and enjoyed watching us win!)

Speaking of classics, I've got a classic fall shade for today.

OPI released this last year with their James Bond collection. Apparently this was worn in the movie Casino Royale? Well, that's cool! Cool fact, I once stayed in a hotel in Japan that was featured in a James bond movie. I never did try to find it.. Maybe that's something I can do over the holidays!

So for today, Casino Royale:

Casino Royale

Please excuse my poor cuticles. The air has been so dry lately, I always have a transitional period with my skin when winter comes around.

Casino Royale

I like the background on this picture. I think I'll use that more often..
I love a classic creme like this, and I think OPI is really good at these. It's a tiny bit patchy, though. It's not too thick or too thin. I really do like these kinds of colors for fall..
You can still purchase this on Amazon!

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