Saturday, December 7, 2013

Serum No. 5: Acai of Relief

Hi Again!

This is my first time trying Serum No. 5's polish, and I'm pretty excited about it! I purchased a few of their polishes last week, and when my package came in the mail I did a little jump lol. I kinda feel like I did when I was a kid and I'd get a letter or card in the mail, you know? Something else about Serum No. 5 that I didn't know when I bought my polishes is that every month they donate 20% of the profits of all lacquers sold to various charities. I really like that!

So today I have Acai of Relief, a blue purple duochrome. That sounds kinda boring on paper, but it looks pretty cool!  First, an indoor shot. This is what it looks like in the bottle too:

serum no 5 acai of relief

But when you step outside..

serum no 5 acai of relief

serum no 5 acai of relief

Boom purple! Lol. I feel like I'm just not going to escape a purple polish, ever. I may as well just accept it! Even when the polish looks blue in the bottle, it's purple out in the sunlight!
This is 3 coats of Acai. It's thin on the first go, but evens out nicely. I had some bald spots on the second coat, or that probably would have been enough. It's not too thin or runny or thick. Dry time on it is normal. 
I'm going to try this over black next, I really like this one.
You can purchase Serum No. 5 polishes at their website!

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