Tuesday, December 17, 2013

OPI Meep Meep Meep

Hi Everyone,

Quick post today! I've got an interesting take on a Christmas red for you. This is more of a sparkly raspberry, so it's great for someone that doesn't like to wear a "stark" red. While this came out in 2011 in a Christmas collection, I don't mind wearing this year round. It's a nice toe color:

OPI Meep Meep Meep

OPI Meep Meep Meep

I've got three coats of Meep on. This looks slightly pinker in person, but I think this is a fairly accurate representation. It's hard to describe the finish on this one. It's a glittery jelly hybrid, I guess. I love the individual shimmer in this. Formula on this is good, a tad sheer but it builds nicely.

I purchased this at Ulta.

What reds do you like to wear for Christmas? Speaking of that, I'll be putting a 5 ways with red polishes for Christmas soon!

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